B4G Media Expanding

B4G Media Expanding

Starting out as a simple yet innovative online platform to attract skilled professionals to roles in many locations B4g Media has developed into a unique and specialised publishing operation that has created and developed a number of strong online solutions.

B4g Media   have developed exciting new concepts and implement these concepts from brand design all the way through to developing a brand identity to a media and communications strategy and market launches, we drive the brand by publishing a strong online brand platform

B4G MEDIA  have created the unique Back 4 Good concept which started out in Ireland and is now established in 145 cities across the globe.

B4G Media Expanding

Now arrived in Canada

Now arrived in Canada

Back 4 Good is one of the fastest growing social media platforms reaching over 750,000 followers online in just 6 months and working with 100 countries in many different and exciting markets.

The Back 4 Good concept has now arrived in Canada with the creation of a new platform www.back4good.ca which is working with the Provinces in Canada and offering a comprehensive guide to living and working in Canada .

Now arrived in Canada

Don't Leave Them Behind

Don't Leave Them Behind

On the Social Inclusion side we created dontleavethembehind.com which is a online resource for persons with ASD and their families and which provides up to date information on emerging developments and advances in dealing with ASD.

Don't Leave Them Behind

B4G Asia

B4G Asia

In South East Asia we have produced and developed an online e-learning portal  back4good.asia which offers over 100,000 courses and jobs  in all disciplines for subscribers throughout South East Asia including

  • Thailand
  • Malaysia
  • Cambodia
  • Vietnam
  • Myanmar
  • Laos
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore
  • Taiwan

and many more locations in the region.

B4G Asia

B4G Media

B4G Media

B4g Media offer the full range of Marketing services both traditional and digital and have developed an additional offer with the creation of B4G HR which is a bespoke HR Services agency offering clients and opportunity to plug-in to our network of 135 cities across the globe and avail of experts in all aspects of HR and Talent sourcing.

If you require Media expertise B4G Media  have preferred partnership status with media organisation throughout the 135 cities we are represented in and plan global campaigns to reach your target market.

Contact b4gmedia@icloud.com   today if you wish to avail of the full package of services that we offer.

B4G Media