Back 4 Good strategy receives Government support .
Back 4 Good met Mr Joe McHugh TD Minister for the Diaspora last week at the Ministers office in Government Buildings .
This meeting was one is a number of planned meetings between Back 4 Good and various Government Ministers and officials with the objective of integrating the successful Back 4 Good initiative with a number of key strands of Government policy including Rebuilding Ireland,Jobpath,The Expert Skills Group and Skills Shortages in the State Sector .
Back 4 Good welcomed the endorsement and support offered by Minister McHugh on the Governments behalf for the Back 4 Good program and Inparticular for the unique county by county strategy devised by Back 4 Good.
The Back 4 Good county initiative is creating county Talent registers so that development agencies such as the IDA can ensure a more balanced spread of FDI and jobs .
Back 4 Good also outlined our request to secure involvement of placement officers working for the Department of Social Protection in the matching process throughout their national network .The Department still hold the same staff numbers as they had when unemployment was at 17% ( it is now 7% ) and these extra staff can make a significant contribution towards increasing the Talent pool in each location.
Overall the meeting with Minister McHugh was very successful and we plan to meet again in the New Year for the roll out of our county by county strategy .
Joe McHugh TD is Minister for the Diaspora and Overseas Development Aid and was Chairman of the Oireachtas Committee for the implementation of the Goid Friday Agreement .