Lack of Housing and high Income Tax damage Talent attraction .
As Ireland heads towards full employment with the latest unemployment rate at just above 6% the demand for skilled labour is one of the major challenges facing employers both large multinationals and medium to small Irish firms .
The latest rate at 6.3% represents a nine -year low and projections are that unemployment will fall below 6% by year end raising the risk that the economy will overheat .
The reduction in the numbers available for work along with the significant shortages of skilled talent will drive up wage rates and damage Ireland’s competitive edge .
The Technology,Legal and Healthcare sectors are suffering from the lack of available Talent with key roles such as
Java Developers
Software Engineers
System Engineers
Theatre Nurses
in huge demand .
In the global talent battle ,Ireland offers strong salaries for skilled professionals however the lack of suitable accommodation and the high personal tax rates are resulting in skilled workers looking elsewhere .
Indeed the National Competitiveness Council has warned that the lack of affordable housing is impacting on Ireland’s competitiveness and could affect Ireland’s ability to attract investment .
A survey of 11 international cities carried out by the Council shows that just two -London and Amsterdam-were more costly for home buyers than Dublin and only 3 other cities were found to be less affordable in terms of rent .
While the IDA’s half-year results announced last week were very strong with job approvals up 22% and investments approved by the IDA resulted in 11,000 jobs ,FDI firms have warned the IDA that they need to address the areas of housing availability and cost ,as well as personal taxation in order to continue to attract and retain Talent and win high levels of investment
Back 4 Good is now in over 70 cities across the globe and many countries involved in the global talent battle are availing of our unique concept to attract home their ” best and brightest ” and offering exciting incentives to their expatriates to bring them back home.
Ireland is lagging way behind and will suffer significantly unless they face up to the established facts that the Country is an horrendously expensive place to live and work .