As Back 4 Good rolls out its lifestyle strategy we are delighted to get involved wth our partners in over 100 cities across the globe in the promotion and delivery of a range of workplace wellness programs which will ensure that our users can source key solutions to bring Wellness front and centre in their daily routines .
Increasingly we are looking at a significant change in how companies and organisations are looking at benefits packages for new employees, with employers also focused on retaining key staff by offering a better life-work balance .
In that regard we are keen to get more organisations involved in offering Yoga to their employees on a daily basis .
Research has shown that from the employers perspective the benefits to the employer are significant with a recent Canadian report showing that for every 1 dollar invested in Wellness in the workplace companies can save 3 dollars .
The other major benefits for both employee and employer include ,
Relieves Stress through meditation .
Reduces Sick days through mind -body wellness and physical postures that strengthen the immune system .
Improves emotional intelligence .
Boosts employee morale
Increases teamwork
Increases productivity
Building in these type of program into the daily schedule will give organisations the edge in recruiting new employees as more and more candidates are looking at assignments that focus on a strong life -work balance .