Back 4 Good -Your future in London is creating a special campaign to attract Londoners back to the City to live and work in a number of locations across London.
London remains one of the leading global cities in commerce, arts,finance entertainment, media and ICT with 1000s of jobs on offer in all these sectors and with very attractive packages for those returning to London after a period away from home.
Currently Back 4 Good -Your future in London has roles available in London and it’s major business districts of Westminster,Camden & Islington.Lambeth and Southwark and the City including the following,
. Civil Engineers
. Mechanical Engineers
. Anaesthetics
. Specialist Nurses
. 3D Supervisors
. Marketing Managers
. Graphic Designers
. Social Workers
. Radiographers
. Clinical Managers
. Consultants in Emergency Medicine
. Psychiatrists
. Digital Marketing Managers
. Software Engineers and Developers
. Financial Analysts
. Auditors
. PHP Developers
and much more.
London is reaching out to it’s Diaspora and inviting them back to the city for good .
If you are considering living and working in London register today on this platform or send your details to and we will take it from there for you.
For employers and organisations looking to find top talent through the Back 4 Good network contact today for all your HR and Talent needs.