Work is underway on developing from an exciting script an action packed drama inspired and based on the true-life experiences of irishman Lawrence O Rourke born in Dublin in the 1850s and who had many battles with authorities in Ireland before he was deported to the USA and ended up in Myanmar ( Burma ) and became one of the first westerners ordained as a Buddhist monk U Dhammaloka .
The proposed full-length feature film will tell the fictional story of a young Irishman who travels to Myanmar to find work in after the crash in Dublin in 2009 , our lead has an alternative motive for visiting Myanmar and the treatment will focus on letters that he has received from his great-grandfather Larry O Rourke ………
This project was developed as a result of new relationships created between Myanmar and Ireland following on from the opening of Myanmar to the west in 2010 .
Over 1000 Irish people work in Myanmar today and one of the largest websites in Myanmar is run out of Dublin, along with campaigns run in Myanmar under the high successful Brand Back 4 Good -Your future in Myanmar which was developed to attract home to Myanmar expatriates to fill the many skilled jobs now available in the country as a result of the economy growing faster than any other in South East Asia .
It is anticipated that the movie will be shot in locations in Myanmar the US and Ireland with a cast from both countries.
There is currently a strong interest in the project from distributors and production companies as the story involves Asia,Europe and the USA .
From the Irish perspective the project will benefit from Section 481 tax incentives for Film and TV production which provides for a tax credit of 32% on Irish eligible expenditure .
Interest from Asia is particularly strong with Box Office revenue from key Asian markets ,led by China eclipsing those in the US and Canada .
China is by far the biggest driver of this growth and demand for unique and relevant movie projects is significant and the demand to make these movies domesticaly is very strong with a number of production and distributors looking at this concept as they feel that it will play well in China,India,Japan,Thailand and of course Myanmar .
As there is a strong US angle to the production US interest has come from the West Coast .
In Ireland and Myanmar a number of Directors and Producers have put their hands up to get involved in the production and talks are ongoing with some distributors in China demanding their own selected Director in advance of signed agreements .
Operating under the working title Paddy Burma as special purpose entity is to be establish to look at the proposal that are coming in for the project and to decide the best option for bringing this action packed drama to life .
If you wish to get involved in this exciting project have a look at our Facebook page Dhammalocka – The Movie or email today