If you are pulling your hair out trying to think of new ways to hire that Software Developer,Software Programmers or other Tech professionals just take a step back and analyse what factors will help you in attracting top software and tech talent
Back 4 Good are in the planning stage to run a number of virtual Talent Fairs with our subscribers who have skills in the software and ICT sector with shortlisted candidates ready for interview from a number of key locations across the globe .
Our platform consisting of ,
Back4good.org. In the USA
Back4god.ca. In Canada
Back4good.asia. In Asia
Back4good.ie. In Europe
Back 4 Good are now in over 100 cities across the globe from Shanghai to New York to Toronto to Dublin to London and Bangalore it is becoming very clear that the demand for skilled professionals in these locations is at an all-time high .
The competition for Key skills and experience has become a global war for talent with large employers expanding their recruitment strategies beyond their typical sourcing grounds in search of top talent in Engineering ,Construction,Healthcare, Programmers and FinTech .
However it is in the Software sector that the lack of supply of available talent is widespread and new strategies are getting significant traction .
With Software fuelling the global manufacturing sector both High-Tech and low-tech companies in all industries are relying on software solutions to respond to customer needs ,it is no surprise that the demand for software engineers and programmers is higher than ever with Global predictions that employment for software developers is expected to grow by 40% by 2022 .
Employers and State Bodies across the Globe are struggling to fill positions for software programmers and other software experts as they attempt to keep pace with advances in ICT and digitise .
More importantly these firms have started to recognise that every unfilled vacancy in this area means a loss of value creation and innovation and revenue and as a result new Talent expansions techniques are in high demand .
Although those with the key skills in the software business sector can nearly name their price in salary and packages this is not the motivating factor for professionals who work in Software .
They are more focused on quality of life considerations and key in that regard is the location that they work in and the culture of the employer that they work for .
Our members have told us that factors such as work life balance ,working on innovative projects ,being a employee that’s valued,flexible working hours,working with exciting technologies and working in a job they can feel proud of, are factors that are way ahead of remuneration and employers need to take this data onboard if they want to secure this Talent .
Back 4 Good is offering these unique approaches by inviting skilled software profesionals who work away from home and in different time zones ,the option of returning to their own Country,City,Town or Village and this model is gaining traction significantly both from the employee perspective and from the employer perspective .
Our users are keenly aware that based on their direct feedback to Back 4 Good that they can use our platform to find the right role for them with the key factors that they demand included in this role .
So stop pulling your hair out and talk to Back 4 Good today we have a user membership that contains many top Talent in the Software sector .
If you would like to promote your opportunities on our platforms contact Back 4 Good today greg@project.blueberry.ie and we can have a conversation.