St Patrick’s Week Talent Drive underway
St Patrick’s Week Talent Drive underway

Our annual St Patrick’s Festival Marketing programme which will target our Diaspora throughout the globe with a simple invitation to return home to your own county, town or village.

As Ireland heads towards near full employment acute skills shortages are happening in nearly all sectors.

In this new and rapidly changing Irish Labour market environment Back 4 Good – Your future in Ireland has adopted a proactive approach in addressing skills shortages in Ireland today.

Our County by County strategy is driving strong interest for returnees with many focused on returning to their own city, town or village. We are also finding that many non-Irish skilled overseas professionals are looking at the attractiveness living in locations that are less costly than the large urban centres.

The St Patrick’s week festival is a key opportunity to reach out to the Diaspora at a time when Ireland is top of the agenda in nearly all capitals throughout the Globe.

Our Marketing campaign will be driven by social media will target Irish people living abroad and will have a home focus by also communicating with families and friends with one clear message “Ireland wants you back for good”


We plan to deploy drip marketing to key Irish overseas pipelines by using our highly successful creative and diverse methods.


Using our network of over 135 cities and working with our affiliates in each city we will leverage strong activity in locations from New York to Dubai to Shanghai to Brisbane to Auckland to London and across to Toronto and many many more.

Sign up today and reach out to the talent you need contact and  we will take it from there for you .