LinkedIn has just published some interesting numbers around destination choices for Irish professionals who choose to travel overseas for work.
The most interesting and surprising finding is that the UK is by far the no 1 choice for Irish talent with 28% of skilled professionals who left Ireland during 2016 ( Oct 2016) heading for London,Manchester,Birmingham and other UK cities .
Indeed the top 5 countries of choice are United Kingdom,United States ,Canada,Germany and Spain in that order .
On the net migration front into Ireland again the report contains some interesting results with Brazil in no 1 position followed by India ,Italy ,France and Australia and the sectors providing jobs for this talent are Technology ( Software ) Architecture & Engineering ,Healthcare ,Technology ( Hardware ). an d Oil & Energy in that order .
More worrying for Ireland currently suffering from an acute skills shortage across all sectors is that while a large number of UK professionals moved to Ireland ,more Irish skilled professionals moved to the UK resulting in a net loss of Talent to the UK post Brexit .
Clearly the battle for talent is hotting up worldwide and Ireland needs to meet this head on by using creative platforms and solutions like Back 4 Good to deliver Talent to each town,village and county .