HomeSt Patrick’s Week Talent Drive opens up talent pipeline

St Patrick’s Week Talent Drive opens up talent pipeline

Following on from our excellent Christmas sessions we are now planning a significant St Patrick’s Week campaign under our successful tagline ” Home for the holidays / Why not stay ?

Back 4 Good now operate in over 100 cities through the globe and we have invitations from a further 60 cities to bring our unique concept into each location.

We recently opened in America and Canada with and  and in Asia with do pop over have have a look.

Our platform brings together experts in all relevant aspect of moving into your chosen location including

  • Employers
  • Financials Services
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • State Agencies and Departments
  • Property & Renting
  • Insurances and Pensions
  • Cars and Travel
  • Education and Training

and many more .

We are planning our 11th  Annual Social Media and Digital Marketing St Patrick’s Week Campaign which will allow employers  an opportunity to reach out to 1000s of skilled professionals during this key period with a simple invitation “if you are home for the holidays why not stay.”

Our campaign will focus on the following areas,

  • Social Media campaign using as the key driver of traffic
  • Advertising in relevant online and offline mediums

By signing up to our campaign the attractiveness of your company and the culture that your employer brand holds will be promoted to your key target audiences.

It is proposed to roll out the campaign through Feb running into March and the key Patrick’s week .

A number of marketing options will be utilised in order to reach the key target audiences.

Back 4 Good will use our unique expertise to design your campaign based on your demands for 2023.

You will on your own page on our platform and with the content, updating and posting of relevant information managed by our expert team with regular posts on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Instagram.

Our team of designers will produce a series of info graphics which you can use on social media and these graphics can be re-purposed as leaflets for airport campaigns and expos along with designs for press adverts if required.

This campaign will allow you the opportunity to promote and sell a range of products and services from Financial to Medicare to Insurance to Property to Pensions and for State Agencies it presents an opportunity to fulfil your requirement to provide key information for skilled workers as they decided to take up many available positions.

This is an opportunity that you cannot afford to miss and places are limited based on sectors and occupations, we will not have competing firms on the campaign.Email for further details .

Back4Good Digital Marketing

Back4Good Digital Marketing

Back4Good Digital Marketing

Back4Good Digital Marketing

Back4Good Digital Marketing

Back4Good Digital Marketing