LeinsterYour Future in Laois
Laois is based in the centre of Ireland is an excellent location to live and work .
Jobs are plentiful and property is more affordable .
As part of the midlands region Laois has an ever increasing population currently at 91,652 with an even split of 50% male/female .
Laois has an average age of 34.3 years as against the national average which is 37.4 years.
Portlaoise is the ” ketchup Town ” in Laois and is a very large economically active town with high quality transport links that play a important role in economic development.
Laois has 100s of unfilled roles in the ” Professional Services sector with Industrial sectors such as Agriculture ,Forestry and fishing expanding rapidly.
Laois has a significant need for Building and Manufacturing workers with positions on offer with very attractive packages and relocation allowances .
From an educational perspective Laois has over 70 primary schools in the county with 3 DEIS schools situated in Mountrath, Portlaoise ands Mountmellick Laois is also host to two special schools each of which is situated in Portlaoise namely The “Kolbe Special School and St Francis Special school
The local workforce in Laois is highly skilled with 28% of people having attained a 3rd level degree qualification and a further 20% holding a vocational apprenticeship qualification.77% of all commiters have a 3rd level degree or higher.
If you are considering living and working in Ireland Laois is the county for you -register today and we will take it from there for you.