Your future in Longford
Longford has a population of 10,310 it is the biggest town in the county of Longford and about one third of the county’s population lives there.
Longford’s main industries are food production, sawmills, steelworking and the production of medical diagnostics.
Longford town has a number of excellent primary schools and 3 secondary schools.
There are a number of major employers in Longford looking for Talent including
Abbott Ireland Diagnostics Braun Cameron Longford
Scientific Games Worldwide Ladbrokes Bilfinger Ireland
Irish Heart Foundation Green Isle Foods Grant Thornton
Lloyds Pharmacy Glennon Brothers Bluebird Care
and many more.
Longford is a great location for inward investment and if you wish to return to Longford to establish you new venture a number of incentives are available through various state agencies and other private firms.
Longford has a young and highly skilled population with 4 technical colleges.
Should you wish to take up one of the available opportunities and come and live and work in Longford register today with Back 4 Good and we will take it from there for you.