As Ireland economy is expanding the need for legal professionals is becoming more acute and this demand has resulted in very attractive packages for Legal professionals who wish to return home or who wish to start a career in Ireland.
Currently a number of fund lawyers are required in all locations in Ireland
In particular a number of leading International law firms are looking to source a number of Funds Lawyers as new team members .
If you have 2 years post qualification experience, ideally with knowledge of the funds regime but more importantly a solid general corporate background ,good communication skills and a positive approach.
The Funds team deals with a range of public and private structures including private equity,property hedge funds and hybrid funds as well as providing advice on a variety of corporate matters .
You will be a qualified Solicitor in Ireland ,England or Wales and have 2 years PQE in this area.
An excellent Academic history and experience in working with a leading Law firm.
Excellent Interpersonal Skills.
A high level of accuracy and attention to detail.
The remuneration packages available are very attractive and these roles have strong career progression and advancement.