Back 4 Good are sourcing a number of qualified Staff Nurses for immediate vacancies in the Munster area .
The Staff Nurs will assess.plan,implement and evaluate care to the highest professional and ethical standards within the model of nursing care practiced in the relevant care setting.As a staff Nurse you will provide ,person centered care,promoting optimum independence and enhancing the quality of life for service users.
Interested candidates must be registered in the General Division of the Register of Nurses maintained by An Bord Altranais or be entitled to be registered and have clinical and administrative capacity to properly discharge the functions of the role.

You will participate in clinical governance structures within the local/regional/national governance framework.
Have a working knowledge of HIQA Standards as they apply to the role/care setting.
Accurately record and report all complaints to appropriate personnel according to local service policy.
Participate in the development of policies and procedures and guidelines to support compliance with current legal requirements,where existing for the safe storage and administration of medicines and other clinical product.
Observe report and take appropriate action on any matter which may be detrimental to patent care or well being.
Participate in performance evaluation/review with line manager
Participate in the clinical /workplace induction of all new nursing and support staff.
Develop teaching skills and participate in the planning and implementation of orientation,training and teaching programmes for nursing students and other health- care staff.
You will demonstrate practitioner competence and professionalism in order to carry out the duties of the role.
Practices nursing care safety and effectively.fulfilling professional responsibility within his/her scope of practice .

Demonstrate the ability to build and maintain relationships including the ability to work effectively as part of a multi disciplinary team.
Practice in accordance with legislation affecting nursing practice.
Show a willingness to engage and develop IT skills relevant to the role.
These current roles are permanent and whole time.
These roles are pensionable.